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- Specify and communicate Company Vision of...

Praca w Mercedesie - tylko nowe oferty [LISTA]

Praca w Mercedesie - Data Scientist

Description - Specify and communicate Company Vision of Data-Analytics. - Creation of a tool/program to collect and analyze all necessary company data with the possibility of gaining new information from the data (Concept of Big Data Architecture). - Usage of the described program as Data Scientist. - Regular exchange with all departments and guidance as well as advising process experts. - Supply of targeted Information depending on the needs of departments from the Big Data. - Collecting and Describing of Projects due to different data that occur from depatments. - Overall Coordination and Pushing of the defined projects with the departments and interdisciplinary teams. - Active implementation of productive solutions coming from the projects Development and Caretaking of a self-service tool to use in all departments for their own Data-Analysis. Qualifications - Completed studying in one of the following or a similar subject: Information Technology, Maths, Physics, Engineering. - High understanding of processes as well as analytical abilities. - Knowledge in the field of multivariat and statistic methods. - Experience with Software development projects. - English in written and spoken form. German recommendable. Thorough knowledge of MS Office. Experience in international cooperation. - Motivated and willing, understanding and experience in cross-cultural topics, coordinating, organizing and problem-solving skills. Pod ostatnią fotografią znajduje się link do miejsca w którym można aplikować online

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